Moving Forward After Life Changes

Moving Forward After Life Changes

Life changes can be tough. You might find yourself out of a job, in a new city, or without any close friends or family nearby. These major life transitions can be especially difficult if you’ve lived with trauma or abuse. But there's hope! Use these tips to turn a life transition into an opportunity to replace your bad habits with positive ones and move forward into a thriving life.

Reducing Stress

One of the most important things you can do when going through a major life transition is to reduce stress. Stress can worsen any existing mental health conditions you have and make it difficult to cope with change. 

There are many ways to reduce stress, such as exercise, relaxation techniques, yoga, and meditation. Make sure to take some time for yourself every day to do things that make you happy and help you relax.

Getting Out of Toxic Relationships

If you find yourself in a toxic relationship, whether it's with a romantic partner, friend, or family member, it's critical to get out as soon as possible. Toxic relationships can cause immense stress and prevent you from moving on with your life in a positive way. 

If you're not sure how to end the relationship, there are many resources available to help you. Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.

Consider these tips for exiting a bad relationship:

  • Talk to someone you trust about what's going on in your relationship. They may be able to offer some helpful insight or advice.

  • Make a list of pros and cons for staying in or leaving the relationship. This can help you to see things more objectively and make a more informed decision.

  • Think about what you would need to do to end the relationship. Would you need to have a conversation with your partner? Would you need to make any preparations?

  • Break the news to your partner in a way that is respectful and considerate. Be prepared for their reaction, no matter what it may be.

  • Create a support system for yourself once the relationship is over. This could involve reaching out to friends or family, or seeking professional help.

Changing Your Career Path

A major life transition is a perfect time to make a change in your career. If you've been wanting to start your own business, this is an ideal time to do so. Or if you're unhappy with your current job, now is the time to begin looking for something new. Follow your passion and don't be afraid of change!

One of the most important things to do when starting a business is to create a business plan that outlines your business goals, strategies, and finances. Your business plan will serve as a roadmap for your venture.

Business cards are important as they provide a professional and convenient way to share your contact information with potential clients or business partners. If you’re looking for business card design options, use an online tool that allows you to add your own images and text to business card templates.  

Incorporating Self-Care

When going through a tough transition in life, it's more important than ever to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Be intentional about eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, and finding a healthy sleep rhythm. 

Also, be sure to incorporate some form of self-care into your daily routine. This could be anything from taking a relaxing bath to reading your favorite book. Do whatever makes you feel happy and relaxed!


Making healthy changes during major life transitions can be difficult when you’ve experienced abuse or trauma. But doing so will help you get the most out of the transition (and your life). Keep the tips above in mind as you improve your habits and take steps toward a more fulfilling life whether you’re starting a business or just trying to incorporate more self-care. And remember to be patient with yourself along the way!

If you’re looking to find a career that better aligns with your goals and purpose, schedule a free career exploration call with Thrive Consulting.

Writing an Engaging Resume

In today's competitive job market, a well-crafted resume is your ticket to securing job opportunities and standing out from the crowd. Your resume serves as a marketing tool, showcasing your skills, experiences, and qualifications to potential employers. To maximize its impact, it's crucial to create an effective resume that captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. In this career coaching article, we'll provide you with essential tips and strategies to help you write a compelling and effective resume.

  1. Understand the Purpose: Before diving into resume writing, it's important to understand its purpose. Your resume should not merely be a summary of your work history, but rather a strategic document that highlights your most relevant accomplishments and skills. Its goal is to pique the interest of hiring managers, showcase your value proposition, and secure an interview.

  2. Tailor Your Resume for Each Opportunity: Customization is key when it comes to writing an effective resume. Take the time to carefully review the job description and research the company you're applying to. Tailor your resume to match their requirements and align with their values and culture. Highlight specific skills, experiences, and achievements that are most relevant to the role you're targeting.

  3. Choose the Right Resume Format: There are various resume formats to choose from, including chronological, functional, and combination formats. Select the format that best suits your experience and the job you're applying for. For most professionals, the chronological format, which lists your work history in reverse order, is the most common and effective choice. However, if you're changing careers or have employment gaps, a functional or combination format might be more suitable.

  4. Create a Professional Summary or Objective Statement: Begin your resume with a concise professional summary or objective statement that captures the essence of your career and what you bring to the table. This section should be tailored to the specific job and highlight your key skills and accomplishments. Use compelling language and concise bullet points to make an immediate impact.

  5. Highlight Achievements and Results: Instead of just listing job responsibilities, focus on your achievements and results. Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible to provide tangible evidence of your success. Use action verbs to start each bullet point and emphasize the impact you made in your previous roles. Employers are more interested in what you achieved than simply what you did.

  6. Showcase Relevant Skills: Identify the key skills required for the job and ensure they are prominently displayed on your resume. Include both hard skills (e.g., proficiency in a specific software, project management) and soft skills (e.g., communication, leadership) that are relevant to the role. Provide specific examples or situations where you have demonstrated these skills to further substantiate your claims.

  7. Keep it Concise and Readable: Recruiters often spend a short amount of time reviewing resumes, so it's important to make yours easy to read and digest. Keep your resume concise, preferably limited to one or two pages. Use bullet points, subheadings, and white space to organize information and enhance readability. Choose a clean and professional font and ensure consistent formatting throughout.

  8. Proofread and Edit: Typos and errors can make a negative impression on employers, so proofread your resume carefully. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It's also helpful to have someone else review your resume to catch any mistakes you may have missed. Additionally, consider using action words and descriptive language to make your resume more engaging.

  9. Include Relevant Keywords: Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. To ensure your resume passes through the initial automated screening, incorporate relevant keywords from the job description. However, avoid excessive keyword stuffing and maintain a natural flow.

How to transition careers from the music industry.

By Dr. Sue Ann Guy

Definition, Occurrence and Symptoms: Musicians tend to convey high artistic, social and enterprising interests [1]. Writing songs, notes, playing instruments, etc. require significant artistic and creative ability. Successful collaboration with band members, singers, producers, etc. relies on the musician's social skills. Producing music that people continuously enjoy (demand) reflects enterprising skill, influence or sales ability. However, competition in the music industry is fierce [2]. Musical talent is a dime a dozen and the industry churns out one-hit-wonders regularly. Musicians may quickly lose confidence, motivation or determination, becoming angry or depressed [3]. Some musicians either retain additional employment or soon seek out new career paths altogether, such as film, technology or business [4, 5]. While a musician's transition into the technology, film or business industries may seem daunting at first, these industries share common ground. Workers in music, acting, tech and business all convey high social, artistic and enterprising interests. Therefore, musicians will find ease transitioning into these roles. 

Coping Strategies: Musicians may start their transition to new career paths by first understanding needs, assessing strengths, setting goals and updating their resumes [6]. Resumes should clarify interests and strengths with goals for future development in the new role. Musicians may post some of their content as a portfolio within a LinkedIn profile [7]. Actors seeking employment, for example, likewise develop portfolios to showcase several of their most popular artistic works and projects. A strong work ethic that attracts new customers is appealing to any employer. Since musicians desire to influence their audiences' emotions and feelings with their music, musicians' natural tendency to persuade others reiterates their strong ability to drive sales and increase income for businesses [8]. Musicians' enterprising skills are critical for selling - for example - new film and video productions, technological innovations and business services. While musicians may require a passion to effectively sell products or services [9], their ability to naturally influence sales successfully benefits any business.  











Apathy in the Workplace

By Dr. Sue Ann T. Guy

Definition, Occurrence and Symptoms: Apathy is a lack of interests, enthusiasm or concern; Lack of feeling or emotion.1 Absence or suppression of passion, emotion or excitement; Lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.2  (Bystander apathy is when people witness others in need and choose to do nothing to help, intervene or offer assistance.) Symptoms of apathy include lack of interest, motivation or emotion, inability to perform well at work, disrupted social relationships, low energy levels, reduced participation, anhedonia (inability of enjoyment), lethargy (slowness, sluggishness). Apathy may be caused by depression, low self-esteem, trauma or anxiety.3, 5 The opposite of apathy is sympathy (sharing the feelings of another, especially in sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling or compassion), enthusiasm, interest and passion.4


Coping Strategies: An apathetic person in the workplace influences the environment. To cope, an apathetic person must be aware for triggers, digitally disconnect, exercise, seek support systems, set small goals, change routines and breakdown large projects into small steps.3 People negatively impacted by an apathetic person in the work environment may foster and communicate a work environment that reaches out to the apathetic person, express concern and offer support without judging.5








What are your Career Goals?

By Dr. Sue Ann Guy

Definition, Occurrence and Symptoms: Goal setting motivates employee performance  within the workplace.1, 2, 3 When employees both plan and receive clear goals for employment, employee job satisfaction increases. Goals for employees clarify how to prioritize tasks, how decisions impact employment, teamwork expectations and compensation for overall employment success. Employment goals should be established with employers before hire, but only after individuals consider personal goals. For example, you plan to complete a $6 million project within two years before returning to your home State to care for parents. Employment goals may change during the course of employment for any reason (i.e., changes in personal needs, business goals, etc.). Keep in mind that employers may or may not support personal goals during the course of employment. Failure to plan achievable employment goals may lower employee morale, incite team resentment, reduce productivity, decrease role clarity or stir employee disengagement.


Coping Strategies: Again, consequences exist for failing to plan employment goals (i.e., lower employee morale, disengagement, low productivity, etc.). When employer goals and employees’ personal goals coincide, job satisfaction is maximized.1, 2, 3 Start planning by first understanding your own personal goals (i.e., job preferences, salary requirements, family plans, income planning, etc.). While job seeking, listen attentively to the interviewer’s employment goals to ensure your personal goals align. For example, if an interviewer mentions that salary raises occur only after gaining seniority (or 5 years of employment), consider if your cost of living will surpass your current salary during that period of time. Discuss goal planning with your employer as necessary. Aligning your personal goals for employment with your organization’s employment goals is mutually beneficial. Foster and communicate a work environment that encourages employees to plan employment goals. 





Helplessness in the Workplace

By Dr. Sue Ann T. Guy

Definition, Occurrence and Symptoms: Helplessness is the temporary inability to defend oneself or act effectively. Lacking protection or support, especially when faced with difficulty. The feeling or state of being unable to do anything to help yourself or anyone else. Feeling defenseless, powerlessness, out of control, unable to manage.


Learned helplessness is an ongoing behavior that occurs or manifest when someone is repeatedly subject or controlled by an aversive stimulus that is inescapable. Eventually, the person will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness will prevent any action. When people feel that they have no control over their situation, they may begin to behave in a helpless manner. This inaction can lead people to overlook opportunities for relief or change. Learned helplessness may also contribute to feelings of anxiety and may influence the onset, severity, and persistence of conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).1 Low self-esteem, frustration, passivity and lack of motivation or effort are other symptoms of learned helplessness.2 The opposite of helplessness is feeling guarded, protected, shielded, capable and in control.


Coping Strategies: When experiencing helplessness, seek someone’s help or continually practice independently. Research suggests that learned helplessness can be successfully decreased, particularly if intervention occurs during early onset. Long-term learned helplessness can also be reduced by CBT therapy, although it may require longer-term effort.1 Fostering and communicating a work environment where you and coworkers feel guarded, protected, shielded, capable and in control.





Pregnant Employees and Job Seekers Find Success in Working from Home

by Dr. Sue Ann T. Guy

The world has changed. Wouldn’t you agree? At some point in the last two years of combatting the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the ways we interviewed for jobs and employed workers - particularly pregnant employees - somehow changed.


In a pre-pandemic era, visible pregnancy was insincerely deemed unconducive to both successful interviewing and sustained work productivity.1 Historically, pregnant women were simply discouraged from seeking new employment or continuing current employment. Pregnant employees favored the three-month maternity leave to satisfy full-term pregnancy, childbirth and recovery. Not surprisingly, businesses either biasedly or unbiasedly weighed risks when hiring pregnant job candidates and maintaining pregnant employees. Costs of replacing a new hire on maternity leave shortly after commencing employment, for example, were usually unbiasedly rejected by businesses. 


Although the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) protects a woman’s choice to disclose pregnancy to an employer, pregnant women still feel obligated to justify interviewing for new employment or retaining current employment.1 Current employees who become noticeably pregnant over time candidly inform their employers of impending childbirth and secure maternity leave or temporary leave-of-absence for a period of time. Overtly pregnant job seekers, on the other hand, diligently plan how to respond to employer interview questions concerning immediate work productivity (i.e., time management, task completion, goal attainment, etc.). For example, if the candidate is asked by an interviewer, “Why consider starting a new job now when childbirth is scheduled soon after employment commences?” A pregnant interviewee confidently responds, “Fortunately remote employment now provides an exceptional option to effectively continue working while expecting!”


As the world constantly adjusts to pandemic living, a new era of workplace innovation ushers in what we have come to learn and love - some of us ecstatically - as “working from home” (i.e., remote employment). Workers from home bask in the advantages of more flexible time management, independence and personal space, improved communication, financial savings, reduced work absences, increased job satisfaction, better work-life balance, increased productivity and imaginary traffic jams.2 Loss of a team environment, increased distractions and lost access to office resources remain possible side effects of remote employment.2, 3 Yet still, the popularity of men and women working from home persistently surges across the US.


Christine Reilley, a Senior Director of Strategy and Innovation at American Society of Mechanical Engineers, applauded working from home, “I’m better rested. I can devote more time to my work.”3 Kate Lister, the President of Global Workplace Analytics, advocated remote employment as well, “Any kind of flexibility is something that people are really, really ripe for, just some control over where and when they work.” Gallup surveyed 2,276 randomly-selected American adults and found that 60% of participants prefer working remotely “as much as possible”, whereas only 40% would venture back into the office.


Pregnant employees embrace working from home as “the new normal”. Pregnant job seekers now pursue work-from-home opportunities nationwide just to attain work-life balance. Working from home during pregnancy is mutually-rewarding to employees and their employers.4 As pregnancy increases the time women need for medical and personal care, the benefits of flexible time management are highly desirable to pregnant remote workers. Work autonomy in the privacy of one’s home ensures pregnant employees can attend medical appointments, brave morning sickness, rest from tiredness, avoid traffic jams, care for other children and prepare for childbirth - all without compromising employment productivity and goals. Pregnant employees’ use of mobile internet devices (i.e., IoTs) while working on-the-go efficiently facilitates continuous workflow and improved communications.5 As job attendance and productivity outputs of pregnant employees improve while working remotely, financial savings from working at home accrue exponentially. Increased available cash for personal spending are allocated to necessary house purchases, nursery preparations and minivans. Profound job satisfaction (i.e., employee happiness) experienced by pregnant workers-from-home surges over time, contributing to employee loyalty and retention.6 Businesses relish in long-term business stability, increased productivity and growth, each stemming from long-term, satisfied employees.7  When interviewing for immediate remote employment, pregnant job seekers wield the power of a compelling claim.


Interviewers quietly reluctant to permit working from home can rest assured that undeterred work performance will prevail. Even if the workplace’s team environment dissolves as employees work from home, pregnant remote workers thrive in the freedom of autonomy.4 Workers-from-home may also unwillingly relinquish regular access to workspace resources (i.e., supplies, subscriptions, books, software, hardware, etc.). However, some US states offer financial incentives for working for home, which may assist covering increased home office expenditures.2 Similarly, distractions in the home environment may be more or less than the workplace. Pregnant employees eliminate distractions while working from home by: (1) mastering time management using an online calendar with notification alerts (i.e., Google Calendar) on various IoTs; (2) ticking off a “To-Do” checklist daily and celebrating those accomplishments; (3) dressing up to work from home, and; (4) working alone in a quiet, dedicated, private room, such as the home office, den, library or guest bedroom.8 A pregnant employee’s motivation to work from home easily overcomes distractions and other obstacles to maintaining steady workflow. Outstanding productivity levels emerge from pregnant remote employees who are determined to satisfy employment goals. Pregnant job seekers who aim to work from home contribute to business success.  


Remote employment is now a global strategic business practice for mobile and lean operations, despite advantages and disadvantages. Today’s organizations welcome interviews and employment catered to pregnant women who prefer working from home. Pregnant job seekers confidently apply and interview for immediate remote employment. Pregnant remote employees maintain increased work productivity, successfully satisfy employment goals and

perform valiantly.



1.       https: //








Which Career Path Is Right For Me?

Which Career Path Is Right For Me?

Which Career Path is Right For Me? Trying to choose a career can be daunting, whether you are a student or professional feeling a lack of direction in life. The good news is that you can gain clarity and confidence in choosing the best career track for your unique values, skills, interests, passions, and talent.

Smart Strategies for Ecommerce Startup

Smart Strategies for Ecommerce Startup Success

Statisticians have calculated that America is home to more than 30 million small businesses.

Unfortunately, 90% of startups eventually fail. There are approaches that can be taken to help you

circumvent this fate. Thrive Consulting offers a few that must be prioritized when pursuing your e-

commerce dream.

Sell Online

Economists believe that 95% of all purchases will be digital by 2040. Prepare for the future by

incorporating a digital commerce platform into your website. If you are not comfortable handling this

task yourself, hire a team of digital design experts to help complete the task for you. Many times, digital

design teams are one-stop shops for designing a slick domain presence, programming apps, optimizing

shopper conversion rates, and crafting effective email campaigns.

Form a Corporation

Choosing the right business structure is essential. Make the wrong choice and you could be paying more

taxes than necessary or be more vulnerable to litigation. The most common business structures are

partnerships, limited liability corporations, and sole proprietorships. An LLC could be the best choice, as

these arrangements require less paperwork, avoid double taxation, and are extremely flexible regarding

profit sharing. Registering your venture with the state can be simplified with an online service like

ZenBusiness. Using one makes the process quicker than ever, and as an added bonus, you’ll have access

to support if problems arise.

Limit Yourself

It is better to do one or two things extremely well than to perform a variety at a sub-par level. Spreading

your company too thin is likely to result in dissatisfied customers who will then declare to the world that

you should be avoided, turning off as much as 40% of potential customers. The flipside is that a positive

experience will spur them to sing your praises.

Only expand your offerings once the public has a positive opinion of you. Know how to check your

online reputation and be certain that you are being viewed favorably before you branch out. If your

standing is less than optimal, you may need to take measures to improve how people perceive you.

Network Wisely

There are multiple reasons why small businesses should connect with their entrepreneurial peers. Besides

being a resource for trading advice, these relationships can potentially generate additional business or

blossom into partnerships. Join social media groups devoted to your trade, and attend conferences where

the interpersonal dimension is mixed with learning opportunities. Sign up with your local chamber of

commerce. Beyond networking, the benefits include marketing assistance and having your voice heard

regarding legislation that could affect startups like yours.

Dream Big

As your operation grows, so should your ambitions. Practice visualization techniques that prime your

mind for reaching goals. Looking inward is only one method. Brainstorm with others to find new ways of

viewing your establishment. Turn thought sessions into games where staffers feel safe offering up random

concepts and exploring out-of-the-box notions. Work together to get everyone’s imagination soaring. One

simple idea could propel you to major growth.

Creating a startup is always a challenge, but along with the struggle comes personal satisfaction. In order

to excel, you need to establish the optimal business structure, design an appealing online presence, focus

on excellence, develop connections, and have the vision of a business titan. With these elements in place,

the odds of thriving should tilt in your favor.

Taking the leap into entrepreneurship can feel overwhelming and impossible. However, if you’ve hit a

wall in your career, or if you’re looking to create a role that fits you, career coaching with Thrive

Consulting can help you find the strength to pursue your goals. Check out our website today to find out

how we can help you love your job.