Apathy in the Workplace

By Dr. Sue Ann T. Guy

Definition, Occurrence and Symptoms: Apathy is a lack of interests, enthusiasm or concern; Lack of feeling or emotion.1 Absence or suppression of passion, emotion or excitement; Lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.2  (Bystander apathy is when people witness others in need and choose to do nothing to help, intervene or offer assistance.) Symptoms of apathy include lack of interest, motivation or emotion, inability to perform well at work, disrupted social relationships, low energy levels, reduced participation, anhedonia (inability of enjoyment), lethargy (slowness, sluggishness). Apathy may be caused by depression, low self-esteem, trauma or anxiety.3, 5 The opposite of apathy is sympathy (sharing the feelings of another, especially in sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling or compassion), enthusiasm, interest and passion.4


Coping Strategies: An apathetic person in the workplace influences the environment. To cope, an apathetic person must be aware for triggers, digitally disconnect, exercise, seek support systems, set small goals, change routines and breakdown large projects into small steps.3 People negatively impacted by an apathetic person in the work environment may foster and communicate a work environment that reaches out to the apathetic person, express concern and offer support without judging.5



1.       https://www.google.com/search?q=define+apathy&oq=define+apathy&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l5j0i22i30l4.2093j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

2.       https://www.dictionary.com/browse/apathy

3.       https://www.verywellmind.com/apathy-lethargy-and-anhedonia-379832

4.       https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sympathy

5.       https://jedfoundation.org/resource/understanding-apathy/